Meet the Team


In order to collect the water-quality data that drives the Baltimore Water Watch website, Blue Water Baltimore, the home of the Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper, developed an ambient water quality monitoring program to collect scientifically-rigorous and legally-defensible water-quality data using the Mid-Atlantic Tributary Assessment Coalition (MTAC) protocol. The administration and management of our monitoring program is the responsibility of our Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper, Alice Volpitta, with support from Barbara Johnson, Sarah Holter and Adriana DeLuca.

Blue Water Baltimore’s mission is to restore the quality of Baltimore’s rivers, streams, and Harbor to foster a healthy environment, a strong economy, and thriving communities. We work to protect and restore Baltimore Harbor and the greater Patapsco River and its tributaries through advocacy, enforcement, restoration, education, and engagement to make our waters suitable for fishing and swimming, improve public health, and improve the health of the river ecosystem.


Alice Volpitta

Alice Volpitta is the Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper at Blue Water Baltimore. She directs the enforcement and water quality monitoring activities to protect and restore Baltimore’s waterways. In this role she has worked with a variety of public and private stakeholders to design and implement water quality surveys, including both ambient water quality monitoring and Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination studies. Additionally, Alice compiles, analyzes, and interprets our water quality data in order to develop the Baltimore Water Watch. Alice has been with Blue Water Baltimore since 2014, and she earned her degree in Biology with a minor in Environmental Studies from St. Mary’s College of Maryland.


Barbara Johnson

As our Senior Manager of Community Advocacy, Barbara manages the organization’s legislative and policy positions relevant to clean water. By remaining rooted in the communities and watersheds we serve, BWB brings the perspective of Baltimore-area residents to the clean water regulatory, legislative, and policy initiatives we seek to enact at the local and state level. Barbara has a BA in Environmental Sustainability & Human Ecology from The University of Baltimore, and she is a CSI (Certified Stormwater Inspector) from the National Stormwater Center. In her free time, she can be found painting, printmaking, and exploring history.

Sarah Holter

As the Water Quality Program Manager, Sarah manages the programmatic field operations of the Waterkeeper team through water quality monitoring, data management and coordination of field volunteers. Sarah holds a BA in Economics from St. Mary’s College of Maryland, with minors in Environmental Studies and Studio Art. Being in close proximity to a body of water (fresh, brackish or salty!) is Sarah’s MO, and she can often be found en route to a swimming hole with her dog and some water colors.

Adriana DeLuca

As the Water Quality Program Coordinator, Dri supports the program by collecting water samples throughout the Patapsco and Back River watersheds. Adriana received her BA in Biochemistry from Vassar College with a focus on marine biochemistry. Adriana considers clean, accessible water to be a foundational pillar of human life and is ecstatic to participate in measures to improve the health of Baltimore’s watershed. Outside of work, Adriana can be found crocheting or gardening. She also enjoys saying hi to every neighborhood cat while out in the field.